Monday, 14 May 2012


In my evaluation last year, the 3rd thing that my principal said that I needed to continue to work on, was maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. He was so right. I have discovered, this year especially, the importance of eating healthy, staying fit, socializing, and most importantly, pursuing my passions.

This last one has been difficult for me at times. Teaching is one of my passions, but I have more than one, and for a while now, I have let my excitement and commitment for my work trump all the others. I am dedicated to my career choice, and becoming the best teacher I can be is one of my biggest goals in life, but one of my other goals this year is to make more time for my other passions. Spread myself out more. Balance my life with work, play and relaxation... it is tough, but worth it!

My girl friends and I recently had a night of food, wine and creating vision boards! It was a great way to spend an evening. We got to chat, eat great food, and let our creativity fly. It felt great to be creative and artsy on my own time, not just connected to my job. 
Here are all three of our creations - so unique, and if you knew us, I bet that you would be able to guess who created which one!
Here is my vision board!
It is a simple idea, but complicated at the same time. Make time for all the things that make us happy in life. I am still working on it!


  1. Let's keep it real tootle.

    A) you r the daughter of laurence Tuttle
    B) you r the sister of Tracy Tuttle
    C) you r a Tuttle

    That being said I hope u can achieve work/life balance before the age of 30 or else you get to my point and you are too tired to care. :)

  2. Here is a link to some photos of another environmental outdoor artist. A little big for gr 6 & 7 students, but possibly worth discussing.
